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AQW Quest IDs (Updated March 2. Adventure. Quest Worlds - Quest IDs.
Last Updated : 2. March, 2. 01. 6. Shop IDs. Spammer Packets. Hair Shop IDs. To look for a specific Quest ID, use the Find command (Ctrl- F for Windows or Apple- F for Macs)1 - First Quest.
Chieftain’s Head. Chipped Tooth. 4 - Hideous Tail. Funny Bone. 6 - Porkon’s Pride. Zorbak’s Reward. 8 - Secret Map. Farm Cleanup. 10 - Pet Food Delivery.
Twilly’s New Staff. Rubber Ducky. 13 - Rats off To ya!
Specialty Pizza. 15 - Defend the Gates. Undead Invasion. 17 - Undead slaying. Evil must be stopped. I Heal Good. 20 - Robina’s Quest. Missing Boxes. 22 - Backyard Zards. Garden Snails. 24 - Attic Spiders. The Bone? 2. 6 - Tempestuous Times.
Willow Creek. 28 - Pirate’s Treasure. Smells Fishy to Me. Salmagundi. 31 - Map Recovery. Defend the Rats. 33 - Rats in the Cradle. Short in Spoons. 36 - Short in Forks. Letter Interception.
NOTE: We are re-posting this article on Warning Signs – Insults You/Calls You Names to allow you to read some of the excellent comments we’ve received from those.
Real-world dating and relationship advice for modern men and women. Scot McKay of X & Y Communications blogs on 21st century dating advice, men's rights, online. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., usually just called WalMart, was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. Walton opened a WalMart Discount City store in Rogers, Arkansas. By 1967, the.
Not A Noob. 39 - Missing King. Take Down. 41 - Starving Pets. Picky Eaters. 43 - Missing Crate. Wilderness. 45 - Trobble Bath. Home Sick. 47 - Golden Shrooms. Blue Feathers. 49 - Flying Tails.
Do online dating websites work? It's time for a frank discussion! What I learned from interviews was that online dating is equally painful for men and for women, but.
Mixing Pot. 51 - Hungry for a Recipe. Missing Ingredient. Delicious Ingredient. Recipe Needed. 55 - 5. Growing Plants. 58 - Storage Speyeders.
Can you do it? 6. Something in the Water. Hair, Tooth and Bone. Ruined Plans. 63 - Bait and Switch.
Restocking. 65 - Spear Sabotage. Retaliation. 67 - Camping Out. Unreadable Map. 72 - Fishing Bait. Darkness Rising. 74 - Flood of Power. Trainee. 76 - Endurance.
Path of the Warrior. Mix it Up! 7. 9 - Shadow Skills. Evade and Counterstrike! Essential Magics. Glimpse of the Dark Side.
Undead Energy. 84 - Healer of Knowledge. White Wizard. 86 - Protection. Ninja Grudge. 91 - Without a Trace. Hit Job. 93 - Chilling Costume. Candy Basket. 95 - Candy Craze.
Chocolate Goodness. Lollipop Potion. 98 - Mystery Candy. Can’t have enough. Stone Endurance. 10.
Heart of Stone. 10. Fire Endurance. 10. Burning Heart. 10. Water Endurance. 10. Liquid Soul. 10. 6 - Dark Endurance. Heart of Darkness. Dragonbane. 11. 0 - Dragon Scales.
Dragon Souvenirs. Dragonslayer. 11. Warrior Spirit. 11. Mage Essence. 11. Shadow Hour. 11. 6 - Light Ways. Fighting Exercise. Tougher Monsters.
Bejeweled Blade. 12. Warrior Claymore Blade Enchant. Quadrolithium. 12. Dam Balloons. 12. Bumper Bolts. 12. Mithril Man Batteries.
Proto. Sartorium Parts. Food Fighter Badge Quest. Scout the Cornycopia. Unboiling Water. 13.
The Corn has Ears. An Apple a Day. 13. Whine n’ Cheese. 13. Fruit of the Loot. The Turdraken. 13. Pain- Apple! 1. 40 - Squishy Squash!
Ice Cream! 1. 42 - Ring of Pain! Cholesterious. 14. Murray’s Revenge.
Crusaders Schmusaders. Bad Captains. 14.
Which Witch is Which. Murray’s Hunch. 14. Magic Overload. 15. Magic Devouring Beast! Grand Inquisitor’s Surprise Visitor. Turn Frost Dragon into Dracolich!
Turn Dracolich into Dragon! Piercing arrows! 1. Rescue Blizzy. 15. Scary Snow Men. 15. Moglin Popsicles. Crystal Spider. 15. Fluffy Bears. 16.
Blue. Eyed Beast. Trouble Makers. 16. Bad Ice Cream. 16. Greedy Sneevil. 16.
Shadow Figure. 16. Dragonslayer Veteran. Dragonslayer Sergeant. Dragonslayer Captain. Dragonslayer Marshal.
Dragonslayer Reward. Turn Red Dragon into Dracolich. Turn Dracolich into Red Dragon. Jars of Slime. 17. Sneevil Boxes. 17.
Behind the bush? 1. Defeat Dogear. 17. Undead Assault (Storyline)1. Skull Crusher Mountain (Storyline)1. The Undead Giant (Storyline)1.
Talk to the Knights (Storyline)1. Defend the Throne Room (Storyline)1. Summoning Complete. Grand Inquisitor’s Penance. Enter the Gates. 18. Fire Gem. 18. 8 - 1.
Zhoom’s Quest [BAN QUEST - DON'T COMPLETE]1. Shadow. Fall Quest. Shadow. Fall Quest. Slimes on a bridge. Pirate Hat. 20. 0 - Pirate Cutlass.
Undead Pirate’s Guitar. Holy Scuba Gear. 20. Deep Diver Helmet. Braken Bass. 20. 6 - Ghost Ship in a Bottle. Trident of Storms.
Fishy Guitar. 20. Fishbone Head. 21.
Rainbow Rats. 21. Monochrome. 21. 3 - Destroy the A.
R. C2. 14 - Frost that Lucky Harms! Pot of Gold! 2. 16 - The Shoe’s News. A Shoemaker’s Work is Never Done. The Sabbatia. 22.
Grasses. 22. 1 - The Spiders have changed. Things that go Bump in the Night. Defend Town. 22. 5 - Mega Defenders Medal.
Stinging Dagger of Serpents. Royal Blade of Thorns. Staff of the Burning Abyss. Egg Hunt - Vorpal Bunny. Egg Hunt - Backpack [BAN QUEST - DON'T COMPLETE]2.
Dagger of Serpents! Blade of Thorns. 23. Berzerker Bunny Helm - Wooden Egg. Transforming Bunny Spear - Egg Shell. Bunny Berzerker Armor - Were Egg.
Bunny on your Back - Quacked Egg. Monday… Bone Mace! Tuesday… Broom of Doom! Wednesday… Faerie Sai! Thursday… Speargun!
Friday… Liquid Hot Magma Axe! Saturday… Chakram Dagger! Sunday… Sludge Sword! Winged Spies. 24. Chaos Prisoners. 24. IMP- possible Task.
Far Sighted. 24. 9 - Slugfest. Chain Reaction. 25. Epic Drops. 25. 2 - Jarring Theft. DO LATER___Don’t leave a faerie behind. DO LATER___Let them walk. Tree Hugger. 25. 6 - The Second Piece. Ruined Ruins. 25.
Blueish Glow. 25. Arm Yourself. 26. You Can’t Miss It! Energize! 2. 62 - Quickdraw. You’ve Been Framed.
Disguise! 2. 65 - To- Go Box. Some Assembly Required. Teleporter Report. Find the Key! (Part One)2.
Find the Key! (Part Two)2. Find the key! (Part Three)2. The Lake Hydra. 27. Escherion. 27. 3 - Defender. Mega Defender. 27.
Savage Warlord Armor. Horc Hacker. 27. 7 - Curve Bladed Polearm. Infantry Pole Axe. Massive Horc Cleaver. Infantry Blade. 28. Horc Mangler. 28.
Horc Claw. 28. 3 - Steel Chopper. Pactagonal Armet. Cyclops Warlord Helm. Red Eye Staff. 28. Yellow Eye Staff. Horc Club. 28. 9 - Undead Infantry Guard.
Undead Infantry Armor. Defender’s Winged Armet. Pactagonal Defender’s Crested Armet. Undead Trooper Guard. Infantry Helm. 29. Dem Bones (Part 1)2. Dem Bones (part 2)2.
Save Chuckles! 2. Skull Key. 29. 9 - Flux Collection. Mega Flux Collection. Warm MILK! 3. 02 - COLD MEDICINE! Cup of Tea, please! Music Box for the Sleepless.
Wolves for hire. 30. Blue Green Prints. Brick Head. 30. 8 - Vicious Wolves.
Smiles to the West, slimes everywhere. Scaly Menace. 31. Overgrown Spiders. Dragon Might. 31. Strange Gel. 31. 4 - Terrifying Reptile. The beast with many eyes!
Landing Swords! 3. Free the sword! 3.
Hardly Suiting Armor. Adorable Sisters. Warm and Furry. 32.
Shell Shock. 32. 2 - Bear Facts. Give Snowbeard His Gold. The Spittoon Saloon. Bear it all! 3. 26 - Leather Feathers. Follow your Nose! Alarm a Llama! 3.
Grizzly Situation. Berry Interesting. Squeeze Water from Stone. Carrion Carrying On. Bagged Lunches. 33. Radiant Lamps. 33.
Having a Blast! 3. Secret Weapons. 33. Watch The Legend Of Hercules Putlocker. Rock Star. 33. 8 - All that glitters…3. Gemeralds. 34. 0 - Talc to Me. Rock Me Amadeus. 34.
What’s mine is yours. Upper City Gates.
Bad Memory. 34. 5 - Balance the Scales.